
The time we cringed so bad seeing the 'complicated' lives of mid school-ers. You know, every school has that one class or batch of students who tend to think that they are the most godly people on the face of earth. Which they actually are. "Note the sarcasm". It infuriates me to the core when I see such patch of students lurking around me. It's like they think that they are the only one's who happen to know the high-class prestigious fashion in world when they can't even pronounce Versace for goodness' sake. You know the best part in-amidst of this shit is that these people very well know that they shouldn't mess or even open their mouth in front of people like me or my friends otherwise they will come to their true AUKAT.


TENSION TENSION EVERYWHERE....DO YOU KNOW WHICH IS THIS PERIOD??? YESSSS.......GUYS I M TALKING ABOUT ONE AND ONLY #EXAMS:) exam is the thing which is hated almost by each and everyone.nowadays parents also feel certain kind of hatred towards exams. and why not everyone feel it so? exams are seriously ugggghhhhhhhhh!!!! OK! so here are my preboards going on so thought of writing something about exams. soon me and my mates will face the first ever board exams..pheeew..yeah we grew up so soon:) jitters in my stomach..sweat on my face...goosebumps on hands..heart beating on fast mode...tension in head..hell true... yes we have to face it.keeping the spirit of YES I CAN AND I WILL! we have to achieve our goal.just go through your books and be thorough with it.remember all the formulae or related concepts,interpret the question properly and  here you go with the answer! this is the only trick to score more in your exams. meditation and relaxing is much needed in your exam p
Ohk so I am finally writing a serious blog (LOL). So this blog is particularly abt my 2 carzy BFF's without whom I can't imagine myself. They say I am crazy , HELL YEAH I am but they too are. So coming to first one, SWA THE POOH .She is my cutie dumbo with whom I wanna cuddle up, dance, run here and there and create all the sought of blunder we can but she is toooo lazy for it. P.S. she is a damn good classical dancer.Well She has said something that she would fulfill after our 10th gets over (can't wait for it) THE second one, Chandsss. My moral support, my panda ,the sufferer of my attacks and what not. She tolerates me to the highest limits. she is the most demanded person in the group during winters {coz we feel hot when we cuddle up with her during winters. HOPE you understand what I wanna say };) Lastly, I LOVE U BOTH

Me and my girls

Hola!!!! So after insisting of my friends for a long time here is my first ever blog. So this blog is dedicated to my idiotos who pushed me like hell to pen my views. This one is for u Chandni and Divyanshi. When it comes about them I have a novel to write about them. Our experiences, fights, chats, etc, etc is all an alma matter. I just sometimes pray to God that why has he chosen this girls for me but at the sametime I thank God for sending this angels in my life. Perfectly descring they are the choco chips of my  life's cookie .though we fight like cats but we love each other as a mother kangaroo loves itz baby!!! I just can't imagine my life without them.. The bond we share between us is of sisters. We insult each other like....can't explain but never intentionally. We are the famous gang of school but not for any bad deeds. Teachers sometimes praise our friendship but we get scolding too for being in too deep in friendship. Ok ok enough for now... At last as we
I am crazy. They are crazy. I love them. They Love me. They are my life. I am their life {That's what I hope!}. This is us and our unhealthy obsession with each other. We couldn't have ever asked for better friends!  And I'm glad they are joining me here to share our moments, memories , thoughts and views. I proudly say , We The Three! - Chandni. 
Hello I'm the co-author of this blog .  Please make sure you check out this link. - Chandni.
About The Crazy Blogger Of This Blog   I am a common little girl who has the dream of enjoying every single moment of life. I am a athlete,school council member, friend, swiftie, selenator, artist, well I sketch at leisure and good speaker(to talk all sort of insane stuff). I am a cricket terrific and afraid of commitment. I am just addicted to my friends( my drugs) . I am full of creative energy and there are no limits for me to fulfil my dream. I aspire to be __________ (well i am still thinking about it) and I trust my spine would accomplish it. I may not be very trustworthy person and that goes hand in hand with me being a very harmful person(coz I can't control my anger). I can be very rude as well as the sweetest person ever existing and I desire to get "allegiant" inked on my left hand. All in all I could be a friend as well as a great foe. Divyanshi