Me and my girls

Hola!!!! So after insisting of my friends for a long time here is my first ever blog. So this blog is dedicated to my idiotos who pushed me like hell to pen my views. This one is for u Chandni and Divyanshi.
When it comes about them I have a novel to write about them. Our experiences, fights, chats, etc, etc is all an alma matter. I just sometimes pray to God that why has he chosen this girls for me but at the sametime I thank God for sending this angels in my life.
Perfectly descring they are the choco chips of my  life's cookie
.though we fight like cats but we love each other as a mother kangaroo loves itz baby!!! I just can't imagine my life without them..
The bond we share between us is of sisters. We insult each other like....can't explain but never intentionally. We are the famous gang of school but not for any bad deeds. Teachers sometimes praise our friendship but we get scolding too for being in too deep in friendship.
Ok ok enough for now...
At last as we say everyday to each other...


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